
Summer Tips For Your Pet

Summer Tips For Your Pet

We all love spending those long summer days outdoors with our pets. Let’s face it, they’re our furry companions and wherever we go, they go too.  Keep in mind that like humans, not every pet can stand the heat. Where I come from down in Atlanta, Georgia during the summer, the mornings are hot, the nights are hotter, and the days are the hottest. With record summer temperatures occurring across the country, follow these tips to keep you and your pet safe, happy, and healthy. First, at the beginning of the summer take your pet for a check-up at the...

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My Dog Has Worms – What Should I Do?

My Dog Has Worms – What Should I Do?

Worms are common parasites that infect dogs, causing everything from mild discomfort and illness to severe reactions and death. Quickly recognizing the signs of worms and taking appropriate treatment steps is essential to keep your dog in good health. Fortunately, there are also good preventative measures you can take to minimize your dog's exposure to worms. Types of Worms Dogs May Get There are several types of internal parasites that can affect dogs. The most common types of worms in dogs include… Roundworms Tapeworms Hookworms Whipworms Heartworms Threadworms While some of these parasites look distinctive and can be easily recognized...

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Can Pets Get Sunburned?

Can Pets Get Sunburned?

We all know the importance of wearing sunblock, sunglasses, broad-brimmed hats, and other gear to protect our skin from the harsh summer sun, but how do you protect your pets? Can pets get sunburned? What Pets Can Get Sunburned Many popular pets are just as vulnerable to sunburn as their owners. Cats and dogs are especially prone to sunburn, particularly breeds with very short or fine coats, as well as hairless breeds like the American hairless terrier and hairless Chinese crested dogs or sphynx and donskoy cat breeds. Breeds that have heavy seasonal shedding or white fur are also more...

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What to Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat

What to Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat

Many cats can be finicky eaters, but if your cat stops eating completely it is always a cause for concern. Knowing what to do when your cat won’t eat can help cat owners better understand their pet’s feeding habits and nutritional needs to ensure the cat always has a tasty, healthy diet to enjoy. What Is Finicky Feeding Behavior? Cats can demonstrate a wide range of finicky feeding behaviors that are perfectly normal. A cat might initially sniff at or refuse even a familiar food before deciding to eat some time later, or the cat might only nibble at food...

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How To Tell When Your Dog Is Dehydrated

How To Tell When Your Dog Is Dehydrated

There are several different reasons dogs lose water from their body. A few ways this can happen is through panting, urinating, and evaporation through the feet and other body surfaces. Obviously, dogs replenish their fluids by drinking water or other liquids, and also by eating moist foods. Even a relatively small drop in their water content such as four to five percent, could result in signs of dehydration. Maintaining a constant fluid content is as important in dogs as it is for humans.Symptoms:Your dog’s skin will lose elasticity as it loses it’s moisture. Younger, fatter dogs will have more elasticity...

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